
Showing posts from March, 2012

Mission 4: Keep a Food Journal

Keep a food journal, and track everything you eat and drink each day. Forget it. I'm definitely not doing the food journal. The next mission, ironically, instructs me to BE POSITIVE.

Mission 3: Keep Off the Couch

Apart from exercise, incorporate regular and routine activity into your lifestyle. I am coming to the realization that these missions are clearly taking me more like 10 days to wrap up instead of a week. I can't seem to get started on time and then I just can't get to the blog often enough. So bear with me on that. Anyway, "Week" 3. Really, all I have in my life lately is "regular and routine activity", and no actual vigorous exercise. I walk the dog a few times a day, I live in a three-story home so I am up and down those hideous stairs all the time, I walk to run errands. I am fine with "routine activity", I think. But getting exercise , on the other hand? Total bust. I did not exercise once this week. On the other hand, I stress about exercising pretty much constantly, so there is really no danger of my not being worried about this part of my life. Onward! Next mission: Start a food journal. Ugh! I hate food journals!! How can I possibly c...

paper my walls

I'm really digging Anthropologie's current wallpaper designs . I would love to paper just one wall of a bathroom, say, or a walk-in closet with one of these fun prints.

Mission 2: Get Your Zzz's

Get seven to eight hours of restful sleep every night. I thought this would be my favorite homework assignment of all time. I love getting into my bed at night probably more than I love any other activity. I am serious. But the thing is, I already try to get more and more sleep every night as it is. I worry about how fat I am for approximately 90% of my day, and I worry about my sleep habits for the remaining 10% of my waking hours. So compared to all the other topics in the world that I think about, worrying about sleep is right up there. Here's the thing: My husband snores. Loudly, and often. He also thrashes. So I lie awake for hours most nights, frustrated to the point of tears because I am never allowed to sleep. (For the record, I don't "blame" my husband. I know he's not doing it on purpose. He's perhaps not exactly trying anything that might help the situation? But that's another issue.) Anyway, the book told me to "optimize my slee...