12 Days of Christmas Movies: Introduction

Dear Carrie,

Let's get this movie marathon party started!

You know the rules:  I will watch and review/recap/discuss 12 Christmas movies in 12 days.  I realize the actual, original rules we previously discussed required me to watch 12 Hallmark Channel Christmas movies in 12 days?  But I don't know if that's really going to work for me.  For example, I tried to start watching a recorded movie last night, but due to circumstances beyond my control (the Patriots were on TV) the TV was unavailable to me and I had to watch something on my iPad, which pretty much leaves me with Netflix.  Also, the Hallmark Christmas movies that look "good" don't come on until closer to Christmas, and I think I should get this ball rolling now.  So here's what I propose:

1.  12 movies in 12 days
2.  I will stick to recent TV movies, i.e. no Christmas Vacation or Elf.  Only recent, made-for-TV movies, and I will aim for a high cheese factor.  I'll try to make them Hallmark movies, but movies may also include those found on Lifetime, Netflix or other channels, depending on personal convenience.  
3. No guarantee of word count on these reviews.

How does that sound?  Let me know if you have any questions or requests.  First review will be up tomorrow!  Ho ho ho!

P.S.  Apparently I haven't looked at this blog in 8 years!  Yikes.  I'm embarrassed.  Let me know if you would prefer I just e-mail you these recaps.  It might be less painful for all (two) of us.


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