52 Small Changes: Mission #1: Drink Up!

Drink an adequate amount of water each day to maintain a healthy level of hydration.

Here we go! Week #1 of my 52 small changes. (I think I will call them "missions". Makes it sound challenging and therefore more satisfying when I complete them. Also sort of like I'm a spy.) And I'm already behind on posting my "results", but visiting guests and the holiday weekend threw me off.

Anyway, as I mentioned in my last post, drinking water isn't all that hard for me. I am sitting at a desk from 8-5 every day, so it is easy for me to have a glass of water at my desk and drink from it all day. Which I do.

I drink my water out of a giant plastic Duke cup that I have had since I was in college. I love this cup! It's got my sorority letters on it, I keep it for sentimental purposes, and it's huge, so I do
n't have to get up and fill my glass 20 times a day. However, for a long time now, I have been thinking that it is probably not the healthiest idea for me to be drinking out of an old, cracking plastic cup that is 20 several years old and has been seen rolling around in the back of my car, sitting in the sun, etc. BPAs with your water, miss?

So, this last week I finally got my act together and bought a nice little silicone-coated glass bottle to keep at my desk. I also managed to bring a few lemon slices with me to the office. I have been trying to add lemon to my water more often for detoxification purposes, so this week I really made an effort to do that.

Next (this) week's mission: Sleep more. AWESOME. Can't wait.


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